Conditions That Acupuncture Can Address
- Chronic pain syndromes
- Postsurgical syndrome (e.g., post-laminectomy syndrome)
- Dental pain (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
- Dysmenorrhoea, (painful menstrual cycles)
- metrorrhagia, Oligomenorrhea (irregular menstruation)
- Breech baby presentations (used in conjunction with the Webster Technique)
- Difficulty conceiving
- Depression
- Headache
- Hypertension
- Induction of labor
- Knee pain
- Low back pain
- Morning sickness
- Neck pain
- Periarthritis in joints
- Postoperative pain
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sciatica
- Stroke
- Tennis/golfers elbow
What to Expect
If you are coming in for acupuncture you will need to complete some paperwork and have a consultation with Dr. Thacker. If you’re only interested in acupuncture, we will evaluate you from an acupuncture standpoint. The assessment would be different from the one used for a chiropractic patient.
How It Helps Throughout Pregnancy
Depending on the patient, we may start treatment that day. That’s often the case if it’s for a breech presentation. The majority of those patients are late in their pregnancy. Everyday they get closer to delivery makes it more challenging for the baby to turn to a favorable position for delivery. It’s not impossible to achieve, just more challenging.
Balancing the mom-to-be’s body allows for an optimum environment in the uterus. It also frees up space for the baby to be able to turn. We use what’s called moxibustion. This technique uses heat from burning moxa (an herb) on an acupuncture point. The goal is to help give the baby the best chance to get into the proper position.
According to some research, moxibustion is more effective than any of the medical procedures used to try and turn a baby manually. When a baby is turned manually, the mother then has to be induced. That’s because the baby may turn back if not delivered right away. “In my experience, the babies that have turned after treating the way we do can go to full term without turning back into that breech position,” says Dr. Thacker.
Do the Needles Hurt?
Many people who haven’t had acupuncture may be concerned that it hurts. The needles used in acupuncture are very small. Most people say they don’t even feel them going in. Most people won’t feel sore afterward or have any kind of pain post-treatment.
Dr. Thacker has treated people who say they’re needle-phobic before. At our practice, patients tolerate the needles very well. The type of needle that we use is typically less painful than some others. After treatment, patients often remark that acupuncture wasn’t anything like they thought it would be.
Are There Any Risks Associated With Acupuncture?
Typically, there aren’t risks associated with receiving acupuncture treatment. Bruising is always a possibility especially if a patient is on a blood thinner. It’s important to note that Dr. Thacker treats people on anticoagulants all the time. Most of them don’t even bruise, so, while bruising is rare, it can happen.
Experience for Yourself the Benefits of Acupuncture
Wondering if acupuncture might be able to help you? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Thacker.